Friday 20 January 2012

Marlisha -contest entry-

This was my entry for a contest made by my dA/MB friend gilster262 in 2010. It’s a pretty simple drawing but she looks nice anyway. At first, she was going to be a boy!!

Name: Marlisha
Nickname: Ice Queen
Age: 15
Date of Birth: 29th December (human calendar)
Gender: Female
Eyes: Light Blue
Hair: White
Species: Alien
Home: Planet Wilusg. Now she’s living in planet Earth, in her spacecraft.
Occupation: Student / Heroine
Powers/Abilities: She can use water and ice as weapons.
Special Atacks: Rain of Ice, Snow Twister and Shower of Pain.
Personality: She’s a kind and friendly girls with a strong character. She’s too pig-headed. She knows she’s beautiful, so she uses it as a weapon. As she’s an alien, she’s quite slow at quite human habits and many things surprise her, so it’s fun being her friend.
Likes: Boys, winter, ice-creams, sea and learning new things.
Dislikes: Sun, hot weather, bugs (she screams and runs when she sees these creatures).
Friends: A white female cat she found. Now she lives with her. GM the Hero.
Story: She’s an alien girl who was sent to planet Earth to study humans. Se didn’t want to do it, especially because she had to travel alone, but she had to. Now that she’s in planet Earth, she’s enjoying a lot this experience and feels sad because she knows that she’ll have to go back in future to her own planet.

● Lineart: Manga Studio EX 3.0
● Colour: Photoshop CS
● Wacom Bamboo Fun tablet

 • Marlisha is © Diabolikal Lily 

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